Section: New Software and Platforms

Snoop & SnoopIm

Participants : Alexis Joly, Julien Champ, Jean-Christophe Lombardo.

URL: http://otmedia.lirmm.fr/

Snoop is a generalist C++ library dedicated to high-dimensional data management and efficient similarity search. Its main features are dimension reduction, high-dimensional feature vector hashing, approximate k-nearest neighbors search and Hamming embedding. Snoop is a refactoring of a previous library called PMH developed jointly with INA. SnoopIm is a content-based image search engine built on top of Snoop that allows retrieving small visual patterns or objects in large collections of pictures. The software is used as the visual search engine of the Pl@ntNet applications and it is used in several other contexts, including a logo retrieval application in collaboration with INA, a whale's individuals matching application in collaboration with the CetaMada NGO, and a hieroglyph recognition application in collaboration with the Egyptology department of University Montpellier 3.